Monthly Archives: May 2015

Mẹo mua sắm tiết kiệm – Gift cards

Nước Mỹ đúng là thị trường tự do, có thị trường cho hầu hết mọi thứ hợp pháp. Chỉ cần bạn tìm kiếm từ khóa “gift card sales” là sẽ tìm ra được vài cái chợ bán gift cards.

Trang ở dưới là gift cards về mua sắm. Thỉnh thoảng có sales được khá nhiều.

How To Ask Good Questions: David Stork

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Music for doing something else

The music of passion – El Choclo

the music of passion

4 loại tính cách

bài báo thú vị

Understanding Peoples Personalities

Become Successful By Understanding Peoples Personalities

Have you gotten annoyed at your colleague for being too loud or rambunctious? Or impatient at your employee for not getting to the point quick enough? How about thinking that your boss is a lunatic for wanting everything to be exactly the way he/she wants it (even if it makes no sense)?

I certainly get annoyed at my employees when they talk too slow, or when they don’t get a task done exactly the way I want it. And I’m sure I agitate them when I talk too fast, expect too much, and for being anal about the tiniest details 🙂

Understanding People

People are inherently and genetically different. When we truly understand the people around us, we will become successful entrepreneurs, dedicated employees & friendlier colleagues. It’s when we try to make people think like we think and act like we act, that we end up firing employees, quitting jobs (and probably getting divorced).

About a month ago I was lucky to hear inspirational speaker Allison Mooney talk to a room full of entrepreneurs at an EO event. She divided all human beings into 4 personality types:

The Playfuls
The Peacefuls
The Powerfuls
The Precises

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